A survey was conducted of Media Professionals, and according to that survey 92% of professionals go online to find new content ideas, with 73% specifically researching online articles. So how can you capitalize on that fact? Optimizing the content search engines and correctly posting them on your Web site or blog is one key to generating more traffic. Following are the tips to generate fresh search engine optimized content.
Tip #1: Keyword Research
Keywords can be defined as "a significant word from a title or document used especially as an index to content" Which may sounds pretty straight forward, it can be, but to achieve maximum output from using keywords in SEO, you would need to do some more research to uncover what words other successfull publishers are using when looking for new content's ideas on the Website or blog.
Tip #2 Free Keyword Research Techniques
Explore which keywords are used by successful competitors by going to their Website or blog, click on the "view", and then "source". A new document will pop up with the HTML code for you to check the keywords. Read new articles by relevant publishers, then search the Websites of the sources to read the content.
You can use the above tip to have a look at the HTML code of the Websit or blog for the content and explore which keywords were used. In order to have a close look on their websites or blog you can always use this free tool to analyse their Meta Tags http://www.hypergurl.com/cgi-bin/meta/meta.pl
Tip #3 Most Popular Keyword Research Tool - Not free :-)
You can use Wordtracker, which has a subscription service of $30 for 1 week, $59 for 1 month, $329 for 1 year. But it can really help you choose the right keywords and phrases to make sure that you reach your specific target readers.
Tip# 4: Develop Keyword-Rich Content but dont overdo it
I must stress the point that you just cannot fill your content with keywords and expect it to rapidly appear high in search engine results. You have to think strategically about not only which keywords will be used, but how often and where within the content they are used. Please Note: Copied stuff will not only read horribly by search engines but it can also harm your chances of being shown in search engine results.
Tip #5: Limit SEO to 1-3 keyword phrases per post.
First impression lasts longer, use the most popular keyword in the headline or title, which will carry the most weight with major search engines. You can include a subhead also with a keyword phrase if your post is more than a few paragraphs long. It makes the post easier to read, and search engines give more weight to bold and italic text.
Tip #6: Around 2% of your content must be keywords.
For a 300-words post, only six words can be keywords, so you can keep repeating your keyword or phrase up to three times. Please don't let your combined keywords exceed 1,000 characters. You can use plurals for your keywords, but do avoid excessive repetition. Don't always use obvious keywords. Include phrases that may get fewer searches but higher results.
Tip #7: Focus on optimizing the first 250 words of the post
The first 25 words should be given most importance. You can include anchor text links and write full http://www/ addresses. In your post's call to action, you can insert direct links to separate landing pages set up with further information to aid prospective clients or readers.
Tip # 8: Give Importance on Keywords in META TAGS
Title: It displays the name of the weppage
Description: Description should not contain more than 25 words.
Keywords: Your suggested keywords to the search engines, telling them you would like your website.
Tip #9: Measure and Monitor Results
You will intantly realize that how well your SEO efforts are turning out, based on the traffic you'll receive. It is very important for your short-term and long-term success to measure and monitor your results of SEO.
Tip # 10: Prepare a spreadsheet with the following columns:
Search engine name Keywords Highest ranking results position Impressions Incoming links and pickups Referring traffic Conversions
Once this spreadsheed filled with info with various sources you can use it for measuring and monitoring the results from SEO.
However, there is no single tactic for effective search engine optimization; actual results will come only when using a proper mix of the various tools and techniquese. Finding your blog's proper mix is your real challenge, but also an amazing opportunity to grab the valuable website traffic!
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